Directory List of Pharmacy State Boards: Links, Address, and Mission. State Boards of pharmacy regulate every aspects of law pertaining to pharmacy.
Alabama Board of Pharmacy
- 10 Inverness Center, Suite 110
- Birmingham AL 35242-4811
- Phone: 205/981-2280 Fax: 205/981-2330
To regulate and control in the public interest the practice of pharmacy and the management and operation of pharmacies that affect the public health, safety and welfare of the people of Alabama.
Alaska State Board of Pharmacy- PO Box 110806
- Juneau, AK 99811-0806
- Phone: 907/465-2589 Fax: 907/465-2974
The board adopts regulations to carry out laws governing pharmacy practice in Alaska.
Arizona State Board of Pharmacy- 4425 W Olive Ave, Ste 140
- Glendale, AZ 85302-3844
- Phone: 602/771-2736 Fax: 602/771-2749
The Arizona State Board of Pharmacy protects the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Arizona by regulating the practice of pharmacy and the distribution, sale and storage of prescription medications and devices and non-prescription medications.
Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy- 101 E. Capitol, Suite 218
- Little Rock, AR 72201-3826
- Phone: 501/682-0190 Fax: 501/682-0195
The purpose of the Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy is to promote, preserve, and protect the public health, safety, and welfare by and through the effective regulation of the many aspects of the drug delivery system.
California State Board of Pharmacy- 1625 N Market Blvd N219
- Sacramento, CA 95834-1924
- Phone: 916/574-7912 Fax: 916/574-8618
The Board of Pharmacy protects and promotes the health and safety of Californians by pursuing the highest quality of pharmacist's care and the appropriate use of pharmaceuticals through education, communication, licensing, legislation, regulation, and enforcement.
Colorado State Board of Pharmacy- 1560 Brodway Ste 1310
- Denver, CO 80202-5146
- Phone: 303/894-7800 Fax: 303/894-7692
Public protection through effective licensure and enforcement.
Connecticut State Board of Pharmacy- 165 Capitol Ave, State Office Bldg Rm 147
- Hartford, CT 06106-1659
- Phone: 860-713-6070
Delaware State Board of Pharmacy- 861 Silver Lake Blvd Ste 203
- Dover, DE 19904-2467
- Phone: 302-744-4256
Regulates and polices the practice of pharmacy and the registration of drug outlets engaged in the manufacture, production, sale and distribution of drugs, medications and such materials as may be used in the diagnosis and treatment of injury, and prevention of illness and disease.
District of Columbia
District of Columbia Board of Pharmacy- 717 14th St NW Ste 600
- Washington, DC 20005-3212
- Phone: 202-724-4900
The Board of Pharmacy regulates the practice of pharmacies in DC
Florida State Board of Pharmacy- 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C04
- Tallahassee, FL 32399-7017
- Phone: 850-245-4292
Promote, protect and improve the health of all people in Florida.
Georgia State Board of Pharmacy- 237 Coliseum Dr
- Macon, GA 31217-3805
- Phone: 478/207-2440 Fax: 478/207-1434
protect, promote and preserve the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Georgia
Hawaii State Board of Pharmacy- PO Box 3469
- Honolulu, HI 96801-3469
- Phone: 808/586-2694 Fax: 808/586-2874
Idaho Board of Pharmacy- 3380 Americana Terr Suite 320
- Boise, ID 83706-2549
- Phone: 208/334-2356 Fax: 208/334-3536
Promote, preserve and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public by and through the effective control and regulation of the practice of pharmacy.
Illinois Board of Pharmacy- 320 W Washington 3rd Floor
- Springfield, IL 62786-0001
- Phone: 217/782-8556 Fax: 217/782-7645
The regulatory statute covers the activities of both the pharmacist and the various categories of pharmacy
Indiana Board of Pharmacy- 402 W Washington St Room W072
- Indianapolis, IN 46204-2298
- Phone: 317/234-2067 Fax: 317/233-4236
Professional Licensing Agency
Iowa Board of Pharmacy- 400 Sw 8th St Suite E
- Des Moines, IA 50309-4633
- Phone: 515/281-5944 Fax: 515/281-4609
The Board is responsible for regulating the practice of pharmacy and the legal distribution and dispensing of prescription drugs and precursor substances throughout the State.
Kansas Board of Pharmacy- Landon State Office Bldg 900 Jackson
- Topeka, KS 66612-1231
- Phone: 785/296-4056 Fax: 785/296-8420
The mission of the Kansas Board of Pharmacy is to ensure that all persons and entities conducting business relating to the practice of pharmacy in this state are properly licensed and registered so as to protect the public's health, safety and welfare and to promote the education and understanding of pharmacy related practices.
Kentucky Board of Pharmacy- Spindletop Administration Bldg Suite 302, 2624 Research Park Dr
- Lexington, KY 40511-8507
- Phone: 859/246-2820 Fax: 859/246-2823
The Kentucky Board of Pharmacy serves the Commonwealth to promote, preserve, and protect the public health, safety, and welfare through effective regulation of the practice of Pharmacy.
Louisiana Board of Pharmacy- 5615 Corporate Blvd, Suite 8E
- Baton Rouge, LA 70808-2537
- Phone: 225/925-6496 Fax: 225/925-6499
Regulates the practice of pharmacy in Louisiana in the interest of the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the state of Louisiana.
Maine Board of Pharmacy- Dept of ProfFinancial Reg, 35 State House Station
- Augusta, ME 04333-0001
- Phone: (207) 624-8689
The Office is dedicated to public protection through licensure, inspection, enforcement/complaint resolution, and discipline.
Maryland Board of Pharmacy- 4201 Paterson Ave
- Baltimore, MD 21215-2222
- Phone: 410/764-4755 Fax: 410/358-9512
The Mission of the Maryland Board of Pharmacy is to protect Maryland consumers and to promote quality health care in the field of pharmacy through licensing pharmacists and issuing permits to pharmacies, and distributors, setting standards for the practice of pharmacy through regulations and legislation, educating consumers, and receiving and resolving complaints from the public regarding pharmacists, pharmacies, and distributors.
Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy- 239 Causeway St 2nd Floor
- Boston, MA 02114-2130
- Phone: 617/973-0950 Fax: 617/973-0983
To promote, preserve, and protect the public health, safety, and welfare by fostering the provision of quality pharmaceutical care to the citizens of Massachusetts through the regulation of the practice of pharmacy, the operation of pharmacies, and the distribution of prescription drugs in the public interest.
Michigan Board of Pharmacy- Licensing Division, 611 W Ottawa, 1st Floor
- Lansing, MI 48909-8170
- Phone: 517/335-0918 Fax: 517/373-2179
to regulate, control, and inspect the character and standards of pharmacy practice and of drugs manufactured, distributed, prescribed, dispensed, and administered or issued in this State
Minnesota Board of Pharmacy- 2829 University Ave Se, Suite 530
- Minneapolis, MN 55414-3250
- Phone: 651/201-2825 Fax: 651/201-2837
The Minnesota Board of Pharmacy exists to protect the public from adulterated, misbranded, and illicit drugs, and from unethical or unprofessional conduct on the part of pharmacists or other licensees, and to provide a reasonable assurance of professional competency in the practice of pharmacy
Mississippi Board of Pharmacy- 204 Key Dr, Suite C
- Madison, MS 39110-5010
- Phone: 601/605-5388 Fax: 601/605-9546
To protect and promote the health of Mississippi citizens by regulating and controlling the practice of pharmacy and the distribution of prescription drugs and devices.
Missouri Board of Pharmacy- PO Box 625
- Jefferson City, MO 65102-0625
- Phone: 573/751-0091 Fax: 573/526-3464
The Board has superintending control over the practice of pharmacy within the state of Missourito to serve and protect the public by providing an accessible, responsible and accountable regulatory system
Nebraksa Board of Pharmacy- PO Box 94986
- Lincoln, NE 68509-4986
- Phone: 402/471-2118 Fax: 402/471-3577
To assure the public that health-related practices provided by individuals, facilities and programs are safe, of acceptable quality, and that the cost of expanded services is justified by the need.
Nevada Board of Pharmacy- 555 Double Eagle Ct, Suite 1100
- Reno, NV 89521-2957
- Phone: 775/850-1440 Fax: 775/850-1444
The Nevada State Board of Pharmacy's sole mission is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of Nevada's patients who use prescription drugs.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Board of Pharmacy- 57 Regional Dr
- Concord, NH 03301-8518
- Phone: 603/271-2350 Fax: 603/271-2856
to promote, preserve, and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of New Hampshire by fostering the provision of quality pharmaceutical care.
New Jersey
New Jersey Board of Pharmacy- 124 Halsen St
- Newark, NJ 07101
- Phone: 973/504-6450 Fax: 973/648-3355
to protect the public by ensuring that only qualified individuals are licensed to practice in New Jersey.
New Mexico
New Mexico Board of Pharmacy- 5200 Oakland NE, Suite A
- Albuquerque, NM 87113-2389
- Phone: 505/222-9830 Fax: 505/222-9845
The mission of the New Mexico Board of Pharmacy is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public by the regulation of this State's pharmaceutical industry, including pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, pharmacist interns, practitioners, pharmacies, hospital, nursing homes, public health clinics, drug research facilities, and boarding homes.
New York
New York Board of Pharmacy- 89 Washington Ave,2nd Floor W
- Albany, NY 12234-1000
- Phone: 518/474-3817 Fax: 518/473-6995
To protect the public by fostering high standards of professional licensure, practice and discipline.
North Carolina
North Carolina Board of Pharmacy- PO Box 4560
- Chapel Hill, NC 27515-4560
- Phone: 919/246-1050 Fax: 919/246-1056
To protect the public health, safety and welfare in pharmaceutical matters. The Board sets standards for academic and practical experience programs prior to licensure, issues permits to operate pharmacies and DME facilities, and annually renews licenses, permits and registrations.
North Dakota
North Dakota Board of Pharmacy- PO Box 1354
- Bismarck, ND 58502-1354
- Phone: 701/328-9535 Fax: 701/328-9536
The board is responsible for examining and licensing applicants for licensure as pharmacists, for issuing permits to operate pharmacies, and for regulating and controlling the dispensing of prescription drugs and the practice of pharmacy for the protection of the health, welfare and safety of the citizens of the state.
Ohio Board of Pharmacy- 77 S High St, Room 1702
- Columbus, OH 43215-6108
- Phone: 614/466-4143 Fax: 614/752-4836
Oklahoma Board of Pharmacy- 4545 Lincoln Blvd, Suite 112
- Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3413
- 405-521-3815
The Mission of the Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Oklahoma by regulating and enforcing the laws regarding the practice of pharmacy and the manufacturing, sales, distribution and storage of drugs, medicines, chemicals and poisons.
Oregon Board of Pharmacy- 800 NE Oregon St, Suite 150
- Portland, OR 97232-2142
- Phone: 971/673-0001 Fax: 971/673-0002
The mission of the Oregon State Board of Pharmacy is to promote, preserve and protect the public health, safety and welfare by ensuring high standards in the practice of pharmacy and by regulating the quality, manufacture, sale and distribution of drugs.
Pennsylvania State Board of Pharmacy- PO Box 2649
- Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649
- Phone: 717/783-7156 Fax: 717/787-7769
The State Board of Pharmacy regulates the practice of pharmacy in Pennsylvania. The Board registers pharmacy interns and licenses pharmacists and pharmacies. The Board is charged with passing upon initial qualifications for licensure and with imposing sanctions against persons and businesses who violate the Pharmacy Act. The Board'ss regulations govern practice standards; drug storage; security and dispensing requirements; facility requirements; licensure requirements; internships; and continuing education.
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico- Department of Health, Board of Pharmacy, Call Box 10200
- Santurce, PR 00908
- Phone: 787/725-7506 Fax: 787-725-7903
- No Website
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Board of Pharmacy- 3 Capitol Hill, Room 205
- Providence, RI 02908-5034
- Phone: 401/222-2840 Fax: : 401/222-2158
Mission: To protect the citizens of the State of Rhode Island by ensuring that licensees under its purview meet acceptance standards of pharmaceutical care.
South Carolina
South Carolina Board of Pharmacy- Kingstree Bldg, 110 Centerview Dr, Suite 306
- Columbia, SC 29210-8432
- Phone: 803/896-4700 Fax: 803/896-4596
The Board of Pharmacy protects the health and safety of the public by enforcing laws and regulations governing the practice of pharmacy.
South Dakota
South Dakota Board of Pharmacy- 4305 S Louise Ave, Suite 104
- Sioux Falls, SD 57106-3115
- Phone: 605/362-2737 Fax: 605/362-2738
Mission: To protect the health and welfare of South Dakota consumers by administering licensure and inspection of entities that is granted license from the board.
Tennessee Board of Pharmacy- 227 French Landing, Suite 300
- Nashville, TN 37243
- Phone: 615/741-2718 Fax: 615/741-2722
To ensure that the pharmacists of Tennessee are providing competent pharmaceutical care in accordance with state and federal laws.
Texas Board of Pharmacy- 333 Guadalupe, Tower 3, Suite 600
- Austin, TX 78701-3942
- Phone: 512/305-8000 Fax: 512/305-8082
Responsible for the licensure and discipline of Texas pharmacists and pharmacies
Utah Board of Pharmacy- PO Box 146741
- Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6741
- Phone: 801/530-6179 Fax: 801/530-6511
To safeguard the public health, safety, and welfare through appropriate licensing and regulation of persons engaged in certain professions or occupations.
Vermont Board of Pharmacy- National Life Bldg, North FL2
- Montpelier, VT 05620-3402
- Phone: 802/828-2373 Fax: 802/828-2465
Virginia Board of Pharmacy- 6603 W Broad St, 5th Floor
- Richmond, VA 23230-1723
- Phone: 804/367-4456 Fax: 804/527-4472
To enhance the delivery of safe and competent health care by licensing qualified health care professionals, enforcing standards of practice, and providing information to both practitioners and consumers of health care services.
Washington State Board of Pharmacy- PO Box 47863
- Olympia, WA 98504-7863
- Phone: 360/236-4828 Fax: 360/586-4359
The mission of the Board of Pharmacy is to achieve the highest standards in the practice of pharmacy and to promote public health and safety.
West Virginia
West Virginia Board of Pharmacy- 232 Capitol St
- Charleston, WV 25301
- Phone: 304/558-0558 Fax: 304/558-0572
To protect the public health, safety, and welfare by the effective regulation of the practice of pharmacy.
Wisconsin Board of Pharmacy- PO Box 8935
- Madison, WI 53708-8935
- Phone: 608/266-2112 Fax: 608/267-3816
To protect the citizens of Wisconsin by ensuring the safe and competent practice of licensed professionals.
Wyoming Board of Pharmacy- 632 S David St
- Casper, WY 82601-3136
- Phone: 307/234-0294 Fax: 307/234-7226
To protect the health and welfare of residents of Wyoming with regard to pharmaceutical services.
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